Saturday, September 3, 2011

Been a long while since my last post

I haven't made a post in a long time. Where has the time gone.... I don't know, but nothing has changed politically or economically in the past year. Anything that has been passed has been negative from both sides of the aisle. The republicans had a great shot to actually reign in the spending and the idiots did not hold their line. They allowed for an increase in our debt ceiling of 2 trillion dollars short term in exchange for 1 trillion in spending cuts over 10 years. This happens to be the worst move our government could make. We are in the hole 14 trillion dollars and increasing at a pace of 1.5 trillion per year under Obama... what is a 1 trillion dollar cut over 10 years do?????? 100 billion barely nicks our current track. We need to cut spending by a trillion a year not 100 billion. Unless we do that within 2 years we will default on our "mortgage" payment or print up a bunch of funny money either way our dollar value drops in real terms meaning we will be spending a lot more for bread, computers, cars, etc... I don't care what side of the aisle anyone is on nobody wants to be poor and nobody wants to have their hard earned work stolen from them and given to someone else. The more debt our country gets into the more that is stolen from those who save and do things right.

I do not think anyone can say with a straight face that Bush was a good president. I think he was one of the top 5 worst. He issue was he expanded government way too much, got us into two wars (at least Iraq being a needless mistake) and got us into too much debt. Anyone want to argue that? Now we have Obama who ran on change and the only change he delivered was an increase in the crappy policies that Bush had in place. People talk about Bush trashing the balanced budget that Clinton left (under a republican congress) and then Bush's last two years in office we noticed a decrease in deficit from 400 billion (410 billion negative swing) to 200 billion (under a democratic congress a 200 billion positive swing). Now Obama with a democratic congress took that 200 billion deficit and made it 1.5 trillion for a 1.3 trillion negative swing two years in a row. Republicans took the house and the deficit this year has decreased by 300-400 billion. The numbers don't lie put in a president of one party and elect someone else of another party for congress to have at least a shred of a check and balance. Might I also add that in addition to continuing Bush's two wars Obama started another in Libya. Iraq that he promised we would be out of within 18 months and he replaced 40000 US troops with 50000 contractors paying them insanely more than he was our troops. What does that message say to our troops that fight for our freedoms? We actually have more people there now then before he took office.

Wouldn't it be nice to actually move away from fascism finally and become a republic again? Wouldn't it be nice to have a money system that does not allow for 14 trillion in debt made possible by selling debt to other countries and printing phony money. What does money now represent? What does our banking system represent? Our monetary system is a complete and total scam. A few huge bankers own the federal reserve who have self serving interests and not the interest of our government or American citizens. By the law of the land which is the United States Constitution our Federal government is supposed to be the only issuer of money in the form of silver and gold tender. That is the law. In 1913 when the Federal Reserve was created that went against the Constitution and the Courts should have deemed that act unconstitutional. If we never had the federal reserve in place the income tax they instituted in 1920 would never have come into play the way that it had and Nixon would have never been able to come off of the gold standard and we would not have 14 trillion dollars of debt created since he did so in the 1970s. So to come full circle on this if the Federal Reserve was not put into place people would have had a stable currency that would not have lost 95% of its purchasing power, several of the wars we had would not have occurred and we would see more of what we earn in our paychecks without taxes taken from them. Imagine what you could do with getting all of your earned income. You would not only be able to pay your bills, but maybe be able to actually help others.

Let me know your thoughts.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Part of an email.

Obama is the symbol of a creeping liberalism that has infected our society like a cancer for the last 100 years. Just as Hitler is the face of fascism, Obama will go down in history as the face of unchecked liberalism. The cancer metastasized to the point where it could no longer be ignored.

Average Americans who have quietly gone about their lives, earning a paycheck, contributing to their favorite charities, going to high school football games on Friday night, spending their weekends at the beach or on hunting trips ? they've gotten off the fence. They've woken up. There is a level of political activism in this country that we haven't seen since the American Revolution, and Barack Obama has been the catalyst that has sparked a restructuring of the American political and social consciousness.

Think of the crap we've slowly learned to tolerate over the past 50 years as liberalism sought to re-structure the America that was the symbol of freedom and liberty to all the people of the world. Immigration laws were ignored on the basis of compassion. Welfare policies encouraged irresponsibility, the fracturing of families, and a cycle of generations of dependency. Debt was regarded as a tonic to lubricate the economy. Our children left school having been taught that they are exceptional and special, while great numbers of them cannot perform basic functions of mathematics and literacy. Legislators decided that people could not be trusted to defend their own homes, and stripped citizens of their rights to own firearms. Productive members of society have been penalized with a heavy burden of taxes in order to support legions of do-nothings who loll around, reveling in their addictions, obesity, indolence, ignorance and ?disabilities.? Criminals have been arrested and re-arrested, coddled and set free to pillage the citizenry yet again. Lawyers routinely extort fortunes from doctors, contractors and business people with dubious torts.

We slowly learned to tolerate these outrages, shaking our heads in disbelief, and we went on with our lives.

But Barack Obama has ripped the lid off a seething cauldron of dissatisfaction and unrest.

Friday, March 19, 2010

My post on Obamacare.

Listen, I hate both the republicans and democrats, all I see is bickering back and forth with the same comments on both sides. Most are valid points on both sides of the aisle slandering the other. There is right, left and correct. I have choose correct. The republicans cut taxes and allow loopholes for the rich, they spend like sailors, infringe on our civil liberties just as much as the democrats do. Now for the democrats, they want to raise taxes, they want to take away your liberties, they want you poor so you have to rely on them for GOVERNMENT care, welfare etc. Lets not get this twisted, I hear oh the democrats have less deficit, realize it was a republican majority in both house and senate that passed the budget not Clinton. Bush got in and had a free ticket and over spent it. The democrat majority comes in and the deficit goes down slightly at the end of Bush's term. Obama comes in gets his free ticket with his democrat majority and outspent Bush's 8 years of deficit in only 2 years of budget, so don't even try to blame Bush as dumb as he is for what Obama is doing now. The only reason for a surplus or reduction in deficit has been a somewhat check and balance with having a congress majority of one party and president of the opposite party. And guess what they all have over spent. We are now 12 trillion dollars in debt. Most of that bill coming since Bush 1 with a democrat controlled congress. We cannot afford this bill, we cannot afford any bill, we cannot afford these wars and we cannot afford welfare of any kind. We are BROKE. You want to talk about healthcare in Canada ok lets talk about it. Here is why it won't work here. They have 36 million people in their entire country all paying 55+% tax and we have 80-100 million people on welfare, 19% of adults do not only not pay tax, but are actually paid by our tax dollars. so that leaves 81% of the people to pay those 19% money and then now pay for their healthcare as well. The only cost cut in the entire bill is that people over the age of 55 who are terminal will not get treatment and allowed to die, heck if we just added that one thing into law it would save the current system almost 1 trillion dollars and remove almost 6 million people off of that pre existing do not insure list. Our government spends 40+% of our 14 trillion dollar gdp how is adding another trillion dollars going to help our country? How is this going to create 1 job? Nobody will have a job in 4 years if this goes through because like Massachusetts where this was already passed, healthcare costs have raised more than the national average every single year since its inception. Now that said, in Mass the commissions have been cut to the brokers of the insurance policies down to almost nothing and it has still raised more than anywhere else, now tell me how you think this will end with the precedent already set? At what point will people get Reagan was right government is not the solution it is the problem. If companies did not have 36% tax burden maybe they could hire more people? Don't you think the small business owner could hire that extra part timer, or make that part timer into full time? When will the liberals learn that socialism does not work (and do not try to deny this is a social program, because it is)? When will republicans learn that eroding our liberties while claiming it is fighting for freedom an oxymoronic message (how can the patriot act and stupid wars fighting the wrong people helping freedom, no the patriot act invaded our freedoms and BUSH was the tyranny that needed to be removed)? We would be better today had the government cut spending five+ years ago and cut taxes across the board. Put a 15% tax on everyone and no hand outs. Those who want to say what about the poor, the 21% decrease in taxes on businesses would allow them to hire ALL of the poor and have virtually 0% unemployment. I am just going to give an example say company x is doing 5 billion in sales, makes 1 billion in profit that taxed at 36% is 360 million in taxes, now if that is 15% it is only 150 million that 210 million in difference say the execs take 100 million (corrupt I know), 110 million that means 2444 hires at $45,000 each. The top 500 companies means 1.22 million people back to work, equaled in other large business, equaled in medium businesses, and small business that number is doubled to 2.44 million so overall that is 6.11 million or almost all the lost jobs. That is not even taking into account how many companies would be lured here from other countries as well as capital.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

A question posed that should not be backed away from.

A fellow right leaning (republican even) person has finally questions 9/11. I almost fell off my chair. It is about time someone questioned it. Even if she did back down it still put the question for people to think about. It will take more like her, but with a spine to stand behind her words to get the real truth out no matter what it really is.

My belief is that what the media and government tells us upon that fateful day was nothing short of a lie. Most things they said either does not make sense at all, don't add up or is a straight lie. I am not saying I believe the government was or was not involved, I am only stating I believe they have lied about the events.

On my own study of the issue I would like to point out to just a few key factors and facts. Fact 1 the hole in the pentagon was not in accordance with the hole that would be made by a 747 in fact the hole was almost 1/2 the size it should have been and that is not including the engines which had no holes or any remains to be found. Fact 2, if the planes at the world trade center burned fuel for hours, how come the plane at the pentagon did not? In fact there were books and wood desks unharmed at the entry point of the hole in the building and many camera views to support this. Fact 3, there was several videos of this act at the pentagon and not one has been released. Fact 4, The plane in PA that the people supposedly took over and brought down, has been on 2 different accounts by donald rumsfeld been referred to as the plane shot down. The parts of the plane were spread over miles not in a smaller area of a couple hundred yards indicating a crash, the break down of the plane indicates that it was shot down. If the plane was indeed taken back, why was it shot down? Fact 5, If the two world trade center buildings were crashed into, how did building 7 (home of FBI/CIA among other federal homes) that was not hit, collapse as free fall speed? Why would owner Larry Silverstein indicate that the build was to be pulled and the media video taped the building stating it was collapsing then the video of the building did not begin to collapse until several seconds later, collapsing inwards like a demolition and not from fire burning in one corner of the building, in which is should have collapsed to it's side and not inward. Fact 6, how would jet fuel cause steel to melt and pour out of the building's side like we seen? Answer is it can't. Thermite however could, but that would have had to have been planted either in the plane or in the building prior to the 9/11 events. Unknown facts, there was recovery of several of the black boxes and video's that have been taken into custody by the government and not released to the public, my question is why? If their statements are correct it will end the questions, if they are not truthful well that is a whole new can of worms.

I just want the truth and it does not appear that we are getting it. Any who want to challenge my statements and research I ask that you research on your own and come with facts not attacks with no backing. I think the more you look at the facts the more you will agree we have not been told the truth. The Patriot Act (which was written prior to the events of 9/11) for a fact would not have been passed without those events and should be repealed promptly.

Please demand answers from the government.

Friday, February 5, 2010

How does this add up.

Only in liberals mind does this work. I was thinking about Obama's speech the other day, yeah I know it has been a while since, but think about this. If Obama's number was correct and 2 million jobs were saved by the stimulus I say wow that sucks. If 2 million jobs were created or saved and the stimulus was over 800 billion dollars that costs over $400,000 per job saved. Most of which were part time or temporary work. Any idiot can see government spending does not work. Next, if I get this backwards logic on the economy that we have job losses yet there was a decrease in unemployment? How is that possible? Can anybody please explain this to me, because not only does it not make sense, I believe it is a crock, but I welcome any rational discussion.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

PLEASE take 9 minutes to view this video.

This was the man an HONEST speech with HONEST and proper answers.