Monday, November 9, 2009

My latest letter to Senator Lieberman

Hello Senator Lieberman,

I wish to ask you to vote NO in regards to the Obama healthcare bill. This bill will add unprecedented financial burdens on Middle America. We are hurting enough without being taxed more to pay for healthcare of others. The government cannot run Medicare and will not come close to running the rest of the healthcare system. This bill will force less care not more as many great doctors will get out of healthcare field altogether as this bill will prove too costly to all involved. I am quite weary of the actions taken by this administration and the prior one for it’s total disregard of the constitution as a whole and not just in regards to healthcare or any one specific topic. I wish for you to hold the executive branch and others in Congress to upholding the Constitution as you are supposed to abide by. The steps taken by Congress have been on a very destructive path leading to high taxes, capitalist killing laws, and unparallel spending. These are not American values and Congress needs to begin to vote in representation of American people looking for long-term benefits not just short term fixes. Our debts are out of control and what will happen to my future kids when these debts can no longer be paid at a minimum? We need to forget about politics, basic economics tells us our government needs to stop the Federal Reserve from printing money and spending. Inflation in high quantities is at our doorstep and more government interference and Federal Reserve ignorance is not the answer. Our government needs to back away, stop spending and let the free markets correct themselves (With a promise that there will never be another tax payer paid bailout of any one). We are losing over 500000 jobs a week and Obama can tell us his get his friends rich quick scheme (AKA the stimulus package) is helping create jobs? This is no better than Bush’s bailout of the financial cronies. Why does the American government help those who do not do the right thing? Bailing out companies who had poor business practices should have been allowed to fail so other businesses that were smart could thrive. It should not cost me as a taxpayer more money to help someone I already pay a mortgage to. These banks are making loans on fractional reserves and even at a 10% foreclosure rate are still making 9 times their money on each loan and do not deserve to be bailed out. With all of this said, I am asking you to reject any new spending by our government and to begin lowering spending to that which is allowed by the Constitution you are held responsible to adhere to. I think it would be beneficial for it to be read out loud to the House of Representatives, Senate, the President, and the Justices of our great country on television where the people can actually listen to it and what it entails.

Thank you,

Jason Berman

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