Dear Mr. President,
I wish to ask you a few questions regarding your trip to Copenhagan. First, I would like to know if making a deal for the United States without Congress approval is constitutional? Second, how can a deal to add a global tax, be Constitutional? Third, how will a global tax on just about anything under the Carbon label help the environment? Lastly, how will adding a global tax during the biggest recession in 70+ years be a good thing? The United States has given over two trillion dollars in “Aide” to foreign countries in which is lined with nothing but corruption filling a select few people’s bank accounts and helping very few. Our country is 12+ trillion dollars in debt and do not need any more. If you want a real environmental improvement start at home and ban all liberals from using cars or electricity from the grid and then the rest of us will pick up on that lead to better the environment if it really is that much importance to the left. Don’t tax us and don’t put a global government like the UN or any other tyranny ahead or on the equal level of the United States. We are not Europe and see how their Union has worked to destroy their countries individual freedoms and will not allow the United States to have that same pitiful fate. I choose individual freedom over collective tyranny. Please rethink your position.
Thank you,
Jason Berman
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