Dear Senator Lieberman,
I am asking for you to please push Congress and President Obama to vote against this sham taking place in Copenhagen. This is an unconstitutional treaty that the United States should take no part in. Anyone in government or other American citizen who takes part in this potential treaty is committing Treason against America and is not only going beyond unconstitutional, but it will place a world government in charge of the people of the United States. This issue my friend needs to be vetoed, voted down, stopped at all costs. Government used to be representatives of the people for the people. The 10th amendment used to mean something. Article I section 10 talks about nothing but gold and silver coin can be a tender of payment of debt. Government passes the Federal Reserve Act and we have seen inflation of 1000+% since then. We get social security, Medicare, and all of the added costs with only a portion of the benefit. When will government stop adding to the problem and begin to let the people correct issues. At this rate we will not be able to pay the interest on the national debt within just a few short years. The Federal Reserve who prints all of this money is owned by the big banks and has caused this current housing bubble. How can they be given more powers? They are the problem and need to be removed, not be given more power. Please for the love of this Country, start voting and promote freedom and real capitalism so we can be the beacon of hope for the entire world as we have been for the past 100 years. I am afraid that my future children will never be able to see the true American dream as with these additional tax burdens will have to work over a half of a year to pay for taxes and fees and that is not the American Dream. That is an American Nightmare that our government on both sides of the aisle has spent us into.
Please take serious thought on my email and Please give me a direct response personally and not from any staff member as I have received in the past.
Thank you for your time,
Jason Berman
ReplyDeleteSeriously, excellent job, Jason! Your voice WILL matter, by God.