Saturday, December 19, 2009

Liberals can you pay 100 billion dollars a year for Obama's new Mistake?

He has gone off the deep end. We are over 12 Trillion dollars in the red and he is offering at least 350 billion dollars in the next 10 years in aide for the climate. 350 billion. Then 100 billion every year following. As you know this money will find it's way into the hands of the elite and the corrupt and not to any real difference maker as it does with war money and most other government waste. Over the past 5 to 10 years we have experienced a climate cooling not even a warming. Is the weather changing yes, but it isn't warming. When I was young I was told that thousands of years ago there were polar glaciers all the way down here in Connecticut and well the industrial revolution did not make them disappear so science in that form tell me these scientists need to get a clue because their own determination says glaciers have been receding for thousands of years.

Once again Hugo Chavez criticized Obama for a lack of transparency. Obama must really think he is the complete and total dictator of not just the United States, but the entire world. Lastly, we are not Europe or the European Union. We are the United States and Obama better back off his let's be more like Europe kick, because if got it correct they should be more like us. Our economy is in the dumps and still almost as large as the entire European Union's economy.

This climate bill will be full of corruption at our expense. Please write your congress to tell them to put a stop to this. Tell them you don't want to borrow 100 billion a year from China that we can never pay back. Tell them not to print the money devaluing your money to pay for this scam to make the elites richer.

1 comment:

  1. Jason,

    I fear that the time to write our Congress has passed. Let's get some pitchforks and torches, and put this monster down!

    Long Live the Republic.
