This without a doubt proves to me that MASS Media is bought and paid for by the elites. He speaks of a difference of 10% unemployment and 25%. If we used the same rules as the great depression we are at 17% unemployment currently and that number is growing not leveling off. While his actions at the Federal Reserve possibly did help us short term those decisions will have horrible medium and long term effects. The printing of money and the bailout of those who caused the problem are the ones who are still controlling the problem. We need a change of power and a congress who represents US as the people and not big government and corporations. His bosses are the big banks who pay him well, this leads to a conflict of interest and his decisions and behind close doors moves needs to be made public and he will go from Times Person of the Year to Crook of the Decade. He and Obama still do not get the fact that too much spending and spending specifically on foreign goods is at as much fault for our economic problems as the housing crises. We need less loans and more saving. We need more production which will occur when Obama and the congress will learn that having the 2nd highest tax rate in the world is the reason our products are not being exported at the rate they used to be. That tax hurts worse than the Chinese paying their people 3 bucks an hour. We need the government to fight the Chinese to allow for fair trade and allow American made products into their country as freely as we allow theirs into ours. And if they do not agree then hold them to the same trade standards that they hold us. If our government got their hands out of corporate America's pockets and stayed within the Constitution and been for the people of the people than we would not be in the mess we are in today. Frankly we would not need even a welfare program if the government got out of the way taxed less and let Americans be the innovators and hard workers that we are.
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